Water & Ice Services
Water Services
We offer three different water service options for your business. We have traditional 5 gallon bottled water coolers along with regularly scheduled deliveries. We offer a more environmentally friendly option with bottle less coolers that connect to an existing water source for unlimited drinking water at a low monthly price. Our newest water option has been very popular... sparkling water machines. With our sparkling water coolers, there is longer a need to haul cases of LaCroix from the store or deal with bags of San Pellegrino bottles waiting to be recycled.
Sparkling Water Coolers
Filtered Water Coolers
Bottled Water Service
Ice Machine Service
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Products We Offer
We invite you to check out all the other ways we bring joy to the office with our popular cold brew and kombucha keg program (kegerators provided), effervescent sparkling water machines, and ice machines. Our drinking water solutions include your choice of filtered water and purified bottled water from The Dalles, Oregon.