Complimentary Coffee Tasting
A Complimentary coffee tasting is a great way to get your staff together to try up to 6 coffees (of your choice) to find the ones that are right for your office. It’s easy, fun, and free. We bring everything we need including tasting cups, coffee creamers, different sweeteners, and a voting sheet. Tea samples are available for the non-coffee drinking crowd as well. If you need help picking out the coffees just let us know, our staff is more than happy to offer our suggestions.
Complimentary coffee tastings are available for new clients. To keep things interesting we recommend switching the coffees on a regular basis. Some of our clients change up their selection every year. If your office has been drinking the same coffee for a while and want to try something new, we provide complementary coffee tasting kits.
Would you like to have a coffee tasting in your office? It's easy to do! Just click the button and fill out the form and someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.